6 Reasons Why Does Life Suck

Alex Monaco
5 min readJun 11, 2022

This artcile was published here: why-does-life-suck

1. There are many idiots in the world.

I like Polish food, so I ordered soup when I was in Warsaw but received a salad. Someone would be happy, but I didn’t want a salad. Despite the mistake, the waitress asked for payment. It made me angry.

So no matter how good a person you are (yes, I’m super good), sometimes you can meet idiots who don’t listen to what you are talking about. But let’s be clear; sometimes, I’m also wrong.

When I worked as a server at the Victoria Hotel, a disaster happened. Imagine I poured a cup of hot water over a client’s hand. So far, I can’t believe it, but I did it. Oh my word, how upset the client was… She raised her voice!

As you can see, sometimes I suck too.

Everyone sucks at times.

Some people suck at times, and others always.

For example, the government sucks, and Congress sucks. And unfortunately, you can’t change it, so there are three options left:

a) Be sad,
b) Go to Congress yourself and become a person who sucks,
c) Just live your life recognizing that life suck.

2. The law of attraction doesn’t work.

Some people say the law of attraction works. Bullshit. Sure, I wish the law of attraction worked, but that law sucks, so…

On the other hand… I admit that the law of attraction can help you understand what you want. But without planning and achieving goals, it is extremely difficult to achieve your goals. For example, I tried to use the power of thought and nail a nail to a wall without using a hammer in my hand, but there are no miracles …

“You are an idiot, Alex, the law of attraction works,” a man who has not yet achieved his dreams will write because he is too lazy to work. After working three months on their business idea, such people throw it into the rubbish, claiming that the business has failed. However, it took me over three years to become a successful marketer. It wasn’t until three years later that I received serious clients!

But few want to spend three years to make their dreams come true. It’s easier to think about dreams and wait. Unfortunately, a dream is nothing, so dreams remain dreams, and then they turn into thoughts that life sucks because it doesn’t fulfill desires.

3. People love revenge.

Many different people in the world will put sticks in your wheels, even if you give them your last bite of bread. For some, it’s entertainment; for others, it’s serious work (competitors).

Do you remember Judas? Judas’ story is very charismatic because it tells you that you can be highly generous (like Jesus), but they will still betray you. This is our world. This doesn’t mean you have to be like Judas; on the contrary, you shouldn’t be like Judas. And I won’t say precisely why. Simply put, being Judas sucks.

4. There are extremely low salaries in Lithuania.

Yes, it’s true, there are minimal salaries in Lithuania.

I worked as a server, housekeeper, and assistant in a factory. I received pennies for these jobs, so I hated them. But hard work helped me realize that I needed to change my mindset. Therefore, if you work at a bad job, be aware that this may motivate you to make meaningful and important decisions. Read books about very successful people. In the books, they talk about how they hated a poor job and decided to create opportunities for themselves.

On the other hand, when I started the company, I worked for three years for free. Once, I managed to earn 800 litas, which seemed like a lot. Then the prices for my company’s services rose above the ceiling. I have worked with the largest companies. But after 20 years of working with Lithuanian companies, I realized that I didn’t want to work with clients in Lithuania. Because their mindset is extremely narrow. So last year I sold my company (now ADFACE) and started an international company. Currently, I work with companies from the USA and the French Riviera.

5. Sometimes you lose your purpose in life.

Sometimes people lose purpose, but it always returns. You need time, and everything will be okay! We can bet! Visit my blog www.alexmonaco.net more often — you will get inspirational articles!

6. The person you love doesn’t behave the way you want.

Everything is clear here. You’ve already found out that all relationships suck sometimes. Because we don’t get what we want. But you shouldn’t expect too much from the world and other people. Because the truth is that even we rarely give ourselves what we need. Sure, we caress ourselves sometimes, but we torture ourselves a lot even though we know it’s wrong. And it sucks. But everything is temporary. Day turns to night, and then a day comes again, so don’t be sad, my dear!

7. There are many competitors in the world, so it’s hard to create something unique and exclusive.

There are millions of talented people in the world who are hard to outrun. It’s hard to do something better than Elon Musk. With so many competitors, it’s hard to create a good product, a better service. So you want to quit everything and send everyone the hell away. I feel similar too. But I try. You see, I’m currently writing a new book for Lithuanian readers called “Charged messages.”

I’ve already written 70% of the book, but I keep rewriting it. And I can already see the results. The book is maturing! This will be the best book you can receive. Of course, it sucks to work at night, and sometimes I fall asleep with my head on my desk, but that’s the only way I can stay ahead of my most formidable competitor — myself! Oh yes, I fight against myself the most. And it’s amazing!

A few last words about why life sucks

Sometimes life is extremely resourceful, so it sends us lots of challenges. And although we understand this, we sometimes react too violently. We give in to emotions. And it always seems to us that we experience more difficulties. But it’s an illusion. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Someone lost a leg right now, and someone didn’t have one at all. Someone got angry with the girl and wanted to commit suicide because of it, but he has already spread out with the same girl 22 times. It’s just that people don’t learn from their mistakes and let their emotions decide how to feel and…

Oh yes, when emotions are boiling, it’s hard to think straight, so we don’t remember how many times we thought it couldn’t get any worse. BUT THERE’S ALWAYS SOMEONE WHO FEELS WORSE!

For example, I almost broke my computer when I was little because the power went off. And I wanted to pass the final RTCW level.

And sometimes, my mom wouldn’t let me play at the computer. How do you think I felt? But now I’m laughing at myself. And I laugh at the problems that will happen in the future because I would be a rude fellow without sarcasm.

And how good…

How good it is to admit to the world that my life sucks sometimes. Because it’s true, and that’s amazing; otherwise the world would be veeeery boring. And if the world was super boring and there wouldn’t be any challenges, it would suck even more!!!

