9 reasons why your friend or pal cannot change!

Alex Monaco
3 min readApr 16, 2018

Probably around you there are people whose lives are rotting, but they don’t do nothing about it. Do you want to know the reasons?

1. Hollywood has released a new movie… For this reason, your friend last weekend devoted not to change, but to entertainment. At the moment he is waiting for a new piece -”Avengers: Infinity War”.

2. Your friend is a collector… He loves to read books. It is his hobby. By holding books in his hands, he feels more intelligent + wise. But… He do not even intend to use this information kept in his mind — because he is a collector of wise thoughts + sentences…

3. Your friend has a bunny character — temperament… These ones love to wiggle their ears — Wiggle-wiggle… Bunnies talk about dreams just to attract attention. Instead of taking the initiative, they say: “I can’t change, I’m a poor thing, everyone punishes me. Why don’t you want to seduce me?”

4. Your friend thinks that he is a loser because he doesn’t have any motivation…
But your friend is motivated… He has enough motivation to go to a 3D movie. Right? He has the motivation to rest. He is motivated to get to McDonald’s. Therefore, motivation is not a problem. There is one super tool that really helps achieve any goals. I’m talking about signing a contract — commitment. How to commit? Let your friend sign a commitment agreement with you. According to this contract, he will have to become a happy person in a month and if he fails, he will have to pay a fine!!! (more about it)

5. Your friend believes he is not attractive. Your friend thinks that beauty solves problems… We know that this is not true, but he thinks the opposite, so he does nothing… It’s easier to blame the environment than to work on your dreams…

6. Heads of state don’t want your friend to become wiser.
There is one particular human feature, which guarantees extraordinary success. This feature is called: ability to change and achieve dreams. State managing predators know: if everyone knew how to achieve goals — there would be many people who have their own opinion. This is problemo. Because, those, who have an opinion causes revolutions. Do you understand? THEY DON’T NEED THAT SOMEONE IS SMARTER, FASTER, than they are! That’s why the heads of state so rarely meet with the employees of the Ministry of Education. That is why the education system rotted, and schools do not know how to teach people to achieve their goals + think with your head…

7. You care about your friend more than he cares about himself. That’s why you think about his change, but he doesn’t… During our conversation, he is engaged in “pornography”. Call him when you read this article and ask what he was doing. He will say: “Mhmmm…”. Or try to ask if he gave time for self-development and he will answer: “Whaaaat?”

8. It’s Alex Monaco’s fault… Alex Monaco, is the person who wrote this article. He is a bastard. It’s not enough that he wrote this article — he should also climb through your friend’s window to offer a business idea. He would not only present the idea, but implement it too. That’s the way it is, most of your friends are waiting for fools to appear and to help them reach the heights… Ech…

9. Suggest a ninth reason in the comments. Thanks!!!

Thank you for taking care of your friend! In the meantime, thank you so much for your comment below. Write in the comments why people do not change. OR: WRITE, which of the above reasons fits your friend! Thaaanks!!!!

Alex Monaco

