The most effective way to reach any goal in 576 hours

Alex Monaco
Bulletproof Writers
3 min readApr 29, 2018


You found the article you were looking for!

Now you will receive a devilishly accurate answer to what you should do to make your desires come true in 24 days with a 100% guarantee!


I was dreaming about a lot of things. One of them: write a book, but something was stopping me. I tried to motivate myself, but nothing helped. I found a mentor. “You should just take what you want. Wake up early in the morning, and work”, he told me. Quite an abstract tip, right? I heard a lot of great thoughts on the internet but it didn’t bring me any measurable results.

The experiment that changed my life

Three years ago, I made a promise on my Facebook wall to write a book. And everything changed. I became a bestselling author in my country (Lithuania). About 15,000 copies sold in only a year. Today I am 38 years old and I have the answer:

If you are not committed to finishing the job, then you will never achieve your goal!

Commitment is the key…

Why do you think people want to marry?

They understand how commitment SHOULD work with their partners ;). But there is a small problem. Not everyone becomes committed after marriage. A lot of guys don’t care about commitment generated by the church, but they would certainly not cheat on their wives if they knew that their heads would be for the chop.

So it is very important how you are committed.

Some people are committed automatically.

My mother was committed to raising me. It is a natural commitment.

Some people spend five hours in the gym preparing for the Olympic games — some of them gave a stern promise to themselves. They feel responsibility. But, what about you? Do you feel responsibility? What is your stake? A lot of people cannot commit to themselves, so in this case, the situation can change only after…

Grab a Key to gain extraordinary success.

Imagine you leave a promise in the comments like this: “Alex, if I do not reach my dreams in 576 hours (24 days), I will pay you $10,000.”

Try it and you will feel changes!

Even if you are still searching for life’s goal or passion, you can solve this by writing in the comments section, I commit to finding my passion. And if I do not succeed I will pay a non-profit organisation $10,000.

He left a deposit, and…

Two weeks ago, my student left a deposit of 1,000 Euro. Now he works on his life every day. Like a maniac. Two weeks ago, he had nine goals, and now only a few goals left!

So what will be your action? I hope you are not one of the 99% of readers who will go hunting down more articles, trying to find the secret of success. Enough procrastination, it is time to commit! This is the only way to succeed if you want to reach your goals in 30 days.

If you want to speed up success, you should commit!

No commitment = no extraordinary results!


Let’s leave a promise in the comments. Write:

a) What do you want to achieve in one month?

b) What is your deposit?

Bulletproof Writers helps writers find their voice, build their creative confidence, and take action towards their dreams. If you’re struggling with writing your book and making writing a habit, you can click here to grab a FREE copy of “The Bulletproof Writer’s Handbook: A Proven Guide to Conquer the Blank Page Forever” to wave writer’s block goodbye today.

